BFCCT Citizenship

Image of BFCCT Citizenship

Blackpool Football Club Community Trust visited to give us sessions on resilience, citizenship and healthy relationships to our year 11s.

This is a massively important topic and we learned a lot through the sessions.


Well done to our year 11s!

Category: 4S 2023-2024

Mental health PSHE Resilience


Yoga - World Mental Health Day

Image of Yoga - World Mental Health Day

Yesterday was world mental health day. The children engaged in some cosmic yoga which told a story through yoga. The children really enjoyed it and followed all of the moves really well.

Category: 1B 2023-2024

Key stage 1 Mental health


World Smile Day

Image of World Smile Day

Category: 2A 2023-2024

key stage 2 Communication Mental health