BFCCT Citizenship

Image of BFCCT Citizenship

Blackpool Football Club Community Trust visited to give us sessions on resilience, citizenship and healthy relationships to our year 11s.

This is a massively important topic and we learned a lot through the sessions.


Well done to our year 11s!

Category: 4S 2023-2024

Mental health PSHE Resilience


SHINE therapy

Image of SHINE therapy

SHINE therapy visit sixth form each week to work with students on their mindfulness, resilience & worries. We’ve played a number of games which included, blowing bubbles & troubles away & cup pong, where we read a mindful quote out. 

Category: Sixth Form 2023-2024

KS5 Resilience



Image of Resilience

Two of our students showed true resilience this morning when building this tower. No matter how many times it fell down they continued until they met their goal. 

Category: Sixth Form 2023-2024

KS5 Resilience


Resilience and interpersonal skills

Image of Resilience and interpersonal skills

We have been working on our resilience and interpersonal skills.

We were given some puzzles to complete by Mrs Swift. We then had to show resilience by completing the puzzle and not giving up.

If we needed help we had to speak to our friends and ask them for help.

It was lots of fun. Well…

Category: 4S 2023-2024

Communication Resilience



Image of Resilience

In our resilience lesson this week we built domino tracks.

This helped to build resilience as they kept falling down before we finished them so we had to keep rebuilding them!

Well done 5J!

Category: Sixth Form 2023-2024



5J Resilience

Image of 5J Resilience

In our resilience session this week we tried some activities we hadn’t done before.

Jorja was extremely helpful, helping Leah to make loom bands.

Anthony showed real resilience as his Hama bead pattern got knocked and he had to remake it from scratch.

Well Done 5J!

Category: Sixth Form 2023-2024

KS5 Sixth Form Resilience